What is the Agilityze Management Operating System™ (AMOS)?
An integrated suite of robust and intuitive practices and tools to navigate the messy complexity of business management and growth.
The AMOS™ is a three-system model designed for small and mid-size businesses in growth mode with the goal to simplify work, eliminate waste, and free up time and space to focus on what matters most. ABS is the key to a culture of high performance, collaboration, and accountability required to scale up to the next level.
Below is a brief description of each element of the Agilityze Management Operating System™.
Directing System
Align everyone to achieve results through strategic clarity, long-range planning, meaningful indicators, decision making and prioritization, and a cadence focused on execution.

GOVERNANCE: How decisions are made to guide the organization
Management tools to define strategic priorities, decision-making, issue resolution and escalation, and risk mitigation. Definition of key meetings and management responsibilities and cadence.
Small and medium size companies tend to be informal about governance but as a company grows, so does complexity. Governance presents unique challenges to a family-owned business or closely-held enterprise such as compensation philosophy, succession planning, and business continuity. Agilityze your governance to ensure effective decisions, provide strategic clarity, and create a business culture of high-performance.
Sample Tools
➢ Agile Strategic Planning Cycle
➢ Goal Deployment Process
➢ Issue Resolution & Escalation Process

INDICATORS: How performances is measured and managed
Tools and standards to define what’s critical to measure and how, linking top-level metrics to visual performance measures that everyone understands, cares about, and uses every day to make decisions and solve problems.
In family-owned, or small or mid-size businesses it is rare for employees to understand the true indicators of financial and organizational health and performance. Agilityze your company’s scorecard to enable managers and employees to know whether they are winning or losing and what they can do to stay ahead of the game.
Sample Tools
➢ Metrics Chain
➢ Balanced Scorecard
➢ Visual Management
Work System
Optimize profitability and cash flow through continuous defect reduction, waste elimination and enabling process efficiency and flow. Create breakthroughs in what you produce and how you produce and deliver value to your customers.

PROCESS: Standards for how work gets done and improved
Simple and effective tools to define, design, and improve workflows and standard practices. Eliminate waste, reduce process variation, and make business operations more efficient and resilient.
Our observation is that almost nobody truly understands how the work actually gets done from start to finish. Agile processes are well understood, flexible to change, and always improving. Engage everyone to improve how you work with practical, simple, proven tools to identify lasting solutions to any problem.
Sample Tools
➢ Super System Map
➢ Process Relationship Map
➢ Value Stream Mapping
➢ Rapid Problem Solving

INNOVATION: How breakthrough thinking and outcomes happen
Tools to set goals for innovation, to define innovation processes and roles for creating new products and services, and to implement an innovation pipeline. Optimize your limited time, money, and resources into tangible results.
Strategic advantage comes not from running a business, but from delighting customers by delivering great products and services they are willing to pay for. Innovation requires deliberate efforts and outside perspectives. This is hard to do for most managers in small and mid-size enterprises. Agile innovation management is the key to unlocking competitive advantage.
Sample Tools
➢ Future State Mapping
➢ TOWS Analysis
➢ Business Model Canvas
Relational System
Engage the hearts and minds of every person and enable them through effective communication, alignment, collaboration, learning and development, and a thriving organizational culture.

COLLABORATION: Create a culture of effective work teams and seamless collaboration
Tools and practices for working together effectively, communicating clearly, and creating a workplace culture where people experience the psychological safety to engage fully.
High performing teams and effective collaboration are no accident. They require the right make up, roles, and collective mindsets to thrive and achieve results. Agilityze your work teams with simple tools and practices to work fast, effectively, and to make purposeful impact.
Sample Tools
➢ Daily Layered Accountability Huddles
➢ Effective Meetings/Dialogue
➢ 5-Dysfunctions of a Team Assessment
➢ Employee Engagement Assessment

LEADERSHIP: How to lead and engage people to do and be their best every day
Leadership practices for engaging and retaining employees, such as talent management, coaching and developing employees. Measure and improve human performance and create a culture that motivates people to thrive.
Most employers want to treat people well. But the reality is that many employees do not feel like the company’s ‘most important asset.’ Instead, they often feel overworked, under paid, and under appreciated. Agilityze your company so your employees want to stay and give their best each day. This is true competitive advantage.
Sample Tools
➢ Leader Standard Work
➢ 9-Block Performance Matrix
➢ Behavior Modeling
➢ RRAA Matrix